Lifelong training & Continuous Education

HumanRights360 invests in lifelong training & continuous education of its staff with focused trainings and seminars that include the full range of employee specialties and the most critical issues of each period.

During 2020, responding to the emergency created by the COVID19 pandemic, the entire team of the organization attended “Prevention and Protection against COVID19”, “First Aid” and “First Aid for Mental Health”.

The Integration Service team attended

“NET-CARE: Networking and care of refugee and migrant women”
Seminar on Prevention against sexual exploitation and abuse of power (PSEA) / Dealing with incidents of Sexual and Gender Violence (SGBV) – 03 & 04 February 2020, UNCHR
Human Trafficking – Practices for approaching victims
We claim change! Training in Human Rights Advocacy, 3/6/2020 – 12/2020
Picum : Migration Narrative Workshop –  Alternatives to Detention, 25/05 kai 10/06. Online
Communication with Communities” | October 24-25 2019 Athens with IRC
Professional Consulting, 21-22/04/2020, 8/5/2020, Compass services
Digital Inclusion, 2/4/2020, 4/5/2020, MEDICI-Mapping Digital Inclusion
11/5/2020 1st meeting on remote working (challenges/ good practices for mental health specialists), Solidarity Now
9/6/2020 3rd meeting on remote working (challenges/ good practices for mental health specialists), Solidarity Now
8/5/2020 Webinar 3rd part/Follow Up, Job Counseling: Basic Principles, Methods and Tools, Irene Andrioti
Legal and Advocacy Training, 29/6/2020, HumanRights360 (in-house training)
19/05/2020: EIN Webinar – Domestic advocacy for effective implementation of Strasbourg Court judgments, Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop, 28/1/2020, EPIM
14/05/2020: CEPS Webinar – Criminalisation of Solidarity: How to protect the right to help migrants and refugees?
05/05/2020: EPIM training – ATD advocacy workshop for case managers.
27/04/2020: ATRC Virtual meeting COVID-19 impacts, hosted by the Co-Chairs of the 2019-2020 Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement, the Government of Canada, the Canadian Council for Refugees and UNHCR.
 23/04/2020: ODIHR Webinar – Protecting and Promoting the Rights of Undocumented Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Times of Crisis.
22/4/2020 Webinar 2nd part, Job Counseling: Basic Principles, Methods and Tools, Irene Andrioti
Human Trafficking and Victim Identification, 3/7/2020, A21
Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop, 28/1/2020, EPIM

The team in the field of Evros attended

Human Trafficking and the National Reporting Mechanism
Human Trafficking – Practices for approaching victims
Bridge- The effect of gender-based violence on children and young people on the go
22/4/2020 Webinar 1st part, Job Counseling: Basic Principles, Methods and Tools, Irene Andrioti
Role and ways of intervention of non-qualified professionals in incidents of gender-based violence
Under Surveillance: Monitoring at the border

The management team of the EEA Grants programmes monitored

ΕΕΑ Grants Communication Workshop in Brussels
On-line training on Result & Evaluation in the implementation of EEA & Norway Grants.(Module 4 – Surveys)
On-line training on Result & Evaluation in the implementation of EEA & Norway Grants.(Module 3 – Reporting on results and projects, introduction in call texts)
On-line training on Result & Evaluation in the implementation of EEA & Norway Grants.(Module 2 – Monitoring for Results and Risk management)
On-line training on Result & Evaluation in the implementation of EEA & Norway Grants.(Module 1 – Overview RBM and Indicators)

The Advocacy & Strategic Communication team attended

Migration Learning Exchange, “Strategic Communication and Framing Migration”, Washington DC, USA, Saturday, 16th June – Thursday, 21st June, 2018, organised by Social Change Initiative and The Atlantic Philanthropies
Training for International Electoral Observers, European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization, Lido-Venice from 19 to 24 March 2018
Training “How to use digital to effect change? Digital strategy and communication workshop”, Brussels 5&6 December 2019, organised by Social Change Initiative and EPIM

In 2021, our team focused, among other things, on trainings in digital tools and the possibility of cyber-attacks. To be constantly ready to meet the needs of the time, two detailed relevant trainings were organized with themes “Training One Drive” and “Cyber Security Training”. However, he also focused on strengthening HumanRights360 staff by organizing the trainings:

Capacity Building Program: Addressing the challenges of the organization
GDPR -Legislation-Compliance-Procedures
Capacity Building Program: Support Systems and Empowerment of The Organization’s Executives
Capacity Building Program: Vision, goals, and support systems in the organization
Capacity Building Program: researching action and the use of experiential tools of active learning
Equal treatment in the workplace: Combating gender discrimination, stereotypes, violence, and harassment

In addition, HumanRights360 legal team attended the following training seminars:

“Correlation -European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN)”
“European Court of Human Rights case-law and other Council of Europe standards on immigration detention and alternatives to detention”
BORDER POLICE MONITORING IN THE OSCE REGION: upholding a human-rights approach to migration

Finally, a HumanRights360 team has undertaken gender equality policies within the organization attended training on:

SHARE- adoption of a tailored gender equality policy in the working environment by adopting a common organizational culture and practices
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