Generation2.0 (G2RED) promotes equal participation in a diverse society by empowering the local communities. As migrants, and other socially vulnerable groups, have been disregarded during this hostile period of the COVID-19 pandemic, (G2RED) utilized the funding donated by the Open Society Foundation, to respond to specific needs generated to the presence of the pandemic. Some of the need concerned public health information, monitoring rights violations, and covering basic needs, including, food distribution, housing support, and legal aid. G2RED acknowledged that marginalized groups faced severe difficulties when trying to access public health care, putting themselves at risk of potential exposure to the virus and legal persecutions due to racial profiling during COVID-related lockdowns. Furthermore, G2RED recognized that these groups face limited working opportunities, most of which are under dangerous working conditions, due to their irregular migration background. To tackle that, G2RED designed a meaningful intervention strategy by focusing on the proper dissemination of information, the effective monitoring of COVID-19 protective measures, and the intervention and support of cases where rights violations have taken place.
Additionally, G2RED provided general information to the population concerning health guidelines, store operations, and assistance on applying for social benefits, residence permits, access to services operations, etc. During the first lockdown, G2RED worked hard to monitor the law regulations and government policies to provide valid information for the local communities and avoid fake news. Interestingly enough just in May, the authorities underwent forty-four (44) administrative amendments to protect against the spread of the pandemic. Finally, G2RED provided support and legal aid to those who approached the organization in seeking assistance, a way through which the organization has kept informed of the needs that the marginalized communities of Athens required.
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