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🎯 Our amazing partners at ECHO HUB Athens!⭐️ Join them at the welcome Back Event this Wednesday 7th September - also a chance to visit #HR360 Social Integration Team…👇 Check out more: ... See MoreSee Less

05-09-2022, 15:55

Joint statement of Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες - Greek Council for Refugees και #HR360:The rescue of the 38 Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Evros was finally a relief for everyone who supported their claim for protection from the beginning. It was also a success against the policy of pushbacks, which are systematic and persistent in Greece but also in other EU territories.The sad evidence of a death of 5-year-old child, that gained the media attention and the body buried on the islet, that none of the countries udertake responsibility, remains. We were pleased to hear the announcement that the International Red Cross will collaborate with the Red Crescent Movement to search and bury the body with respect and dignity.We await the effective investigation of this specific incident, as well as of the drowning of two other refugees, one month ago, which is alleged to have occurred during the refoulement of this same group of refugees, to the same islet, in the middle of the Evros River, where on August 7th, 2022 were transferred there again by the Turkish authorities.We also expect the official authorities to comply with the European Court of Human Rights orders and provide humanitarian aid and prohibit refoulement, that the Greek authorities, unfortunately, ignore, either under the pretext that the refugees cannot be spotted, or that the islet are not Greek territory.The issue of the Ministerial decision that classifies Turkey as a safe country and applies for this group of refugees, remains for their return, while no such return has taken place for at least the last 2.5 years. This, although deportation orders have been issued against them by Turkey, under the threat of which they weree forced to seek dangerous routes to Europe.We highlight that we will continue to support those seeking protection, especially under conditions of threat to human life. The stoppage of refoulements practice, and the revocation of the decision to classify Turkey as a safe third country remains for us the main objective for refugee protection but also for the rule of law and our democracy.For this specific incident, the mobilization of our organizations, but also the support of organizations operating in the region, namely the Border Violence Monitoring Network, the journalists who have been actively involved in highlighting the practice of pushbacks, were crucial (Dimitris Angelidis & Giorgos Christides), as well as the Εθνική Επιτροπή για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου - ΕΕΔΑ, which intervened at a critical point to support the specific group of refugees.Let’s hope that this incident will stand as a case to improve policies towards the purpose of respecting human life, which is often devalued in similar incidents. ... See MoreSee Less

16-08-2022, 19:52

Comment on Facebook Είναι ντροπή για μια ιδιωτική ΜΚΟ να προβαίνει σε ανακοινώσεις χωρίς επίσημη διερεύνηση για το έαν μια περιοχή είναι Ελληνική ή όχι. Θα επέμβει εισαγγελέας; Με μια επίσημη ανακοίνωση τελειώνει το ζήτημα που έφερε 2 χώρες στα πρόθυρα διπλωματικού επεισοδίου; Θα εφαρμοστούν κυρώσεις;

Που ειναι αναρτημενη η ... συγγνωμη σας στο Facebook?

Η προστασία της ζωής είναι προφανώς πάνω από κάθε άλλη προτεραιότητα. Ομως σύμφωνα με τα δημοσιεύματα (ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ 17/8), η δυο οργανώσεις σας έδωσαν ψευδή πληροφορία στους πρόσφυγες οτι βρίσκονται επι ελληνικού εδάφους ενώ ήταν τουρκικό έδαφος. Το έπραξαν (δημοσίευμα) μετα από απλή έρευνα στο google και τότε πολλά τα ερωτήματα. Οι δυο οργανώσεις έδωσαν τις ιδιες ψευδείς πληροφορίες (εν γνώση τους είτε απο επιπολαιότητα) στους διεθνείς οργανισμούς ? Δεν θα έπρεπε να ζητηθεί πρώτα αυτός ο έλεγχος από τους τους διεθνείς οργανισμούς? Δεδομένης της αμφισβήτησης εδάφους, δεν θα έπρεπε οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί (με τους οποίους όπως προκύπτει από τα sites των έχουν πολύ καλές σχέσεις), να ζητήσουν τη συνεργασία ερυθρού σταυρού και ημισελήνου ώστε να μεταφερθεί το παιδί άμεσα σε νοσοκομείο ? Η περίπτωση διπλωματικού ή και θερμού επεισοδίου λήφθηκε υπ’όψιν ? Οι δυο γνωστές ΜΚΟ, όπως και οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί, θα πρέπει να προβούν και σε δηλώσεις τόσο για την ολιγωρία τους όσον αφορά την μεταφορά του παιδιού σε νοσοκομείο όπως και για την περίπτωση από λάθος εκτίμηση τους να έδωσαν εσφαλμένη πληροφορία σχετικά με το έδαφος στους άτυχους αυτούς ανθρώπους ? Καλή η (εύκολη) κρίση στην εκάστοτε πολιτική εξουσία αλλά η αξιοπιστία των ΜΚΟ κρίνεται επίσης σε αυτό το θέμα. Αναμένουμε κάποια απάντηση στην περίπτωση που το ζητούμενο είναι η φιλοξενία και ενσωμάτωση όσων το επιθυμούν στη δημοκρατία μας, με σεβασμό σε αυτήν και τους θεσμούς μας.

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Joint Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες - Greek Council for Refugees & #HR360 statement on the Evros islet case:Greek Government insists that the islet where 39 refugees and the dead body of a 5years old child does not belong to the Greek territory and therefore is not liable for their protection. Yet, even so, this is not valid and it is contrary to the international obligations of the country.From the moment once someone appears at the border of a country, submitting himself to the sovereignty of this country, then the international obligation of this country arises to allow his entrance, when he claims a risk of persecution to his country of origin or transit. This is so, since the fundamental principle of non refoulement applies, provided by art. 31 and 33 of Geneva Convention for the Status of Refugees, as well as other International Conventions that Greece* is bound and do not allow refusal of entry at the borders**. As by consolidated jurisprudence the European Court of Human Rights has judged, the principle of non refoulement applies and binds states not only when they exert their sovereignty in their territory, as well as at their borders, but also extraterritorially, where they state authorities act, or where they exercise effective control***. The certain group of refugees, for those 2 interim decisions of the European Court of Human Rights have been issued, indicating to Greece to provide humanitarian assistance and not move them to Turkey, has been found at the same islet where they currently are, initially from Greek authorities on 14/7, so as to be refouled to Turkey and moved back from the Turkish authorities on 7/8.Greece has access to the certain islet, irrelevant if it is Greek soil or not, and has an obligation to provide assistance, since human lives are at risk. It has also the obligation to accept and examine asylum claims, since, against many of them deportation orders have been issued to be returned to Syria, relevant copies of which have been submitted to the European Court of Human Rights.When life is at risk, to claim that the area right next to your door does not belong to you and you claim that you don’t care for what is happening there, Is just a pretext in order to evade your liability. The fact that Turkey also has liability for their condition is something obvious, yet it does not waive the liability of Greece to protect human life. Save the people now.______________________________________*Art 3 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ratified by law 1782/1988, art. 7 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights ratified by law 2462/1997, and art. 7 of the European Convention for Human Rights ratified by law 53/1974.** Guy Godwin – Gill – Jane Mc Adam The refugee in the International Law 3rd edition, p. 208.*** ECHR Hirsi and Jamaa v. Italy, no. 27765/09, of 23/02/2012 ... See MoreSee Less

15-08-2022, 15:09

Comment on Facebook

Σημερα το Spiegel απεσυρε το δημοσιευμα του. Δεν είναι σκληρό να χρησιμοποιούνται ανθρωποι που επιζητούν μια καλύτερη τυχη στη ζωή τους ως μέσο επιβίωσης της οργάνωσης σας ? Τι αντιθεση με την ονομασία σας.

Μπάσταρδοι,μας τα κάνατε ζεπελιν για το συμφέρον σας.Για περάστε τώρα για ελεγχο

#RefugeeWeekGreece #RefugeeWeek2022 #todaysvideo🎯 In August 2021, during the Taliban invasion of Afghanistan, HumanRights360 was part of an evacuation exercise that managed to establish a humanitarian corridor for several Afghan women and their families, transporting those most at risk from the Taliban takeover. This was made possible through a wide alliance with authorities, CSOs and donors.📍 HumanRights360 met Mobina, a Policy and Program advisor at the Ministry of Women's Affairs of Afghanistan. Check this video to see how Mobina describes her experience since the day she arrived in Greece.📍 HumnaRights360 wants to thank and acknowledge the Open Society Foundations for their support. #community #culture #healing #κοινότητα #πολιτισμός #φροντίδα #Afghanwomen #humanrights #Afghanistan #HR360 ... See MoreSee Less

24-06-2022, 9:05

#RefugeeWeekGreece #RefugeeWeek2022 #todaysvideo🎯 In August 2021, during the Taliban invasion in Afghanistan, HumanRights360 was part of an evacuation exercise that managed to establish a humanitarian corridor for several Afghan women and their families, transporting those most at-risk from the Taliban takeover. This was made possible through a wide alliance with authorities, CSOs and donors.HumanRights360 met Fauzia, an elected member of the Afghanistan Parliament. Check this video to see how Fauzia and her family fled from Afghanistan and why they leave now apart.HumnaRights360 wants to thank and acknowledge The Sigrid Rausing Trust @SRausingTrust for their support. #community #culture #healing #κοινότητα #πολιτισμός #φροντίδα #Afghanwomen #humanrights #Afghanistan #HR360 ... See MoreSee Less

23-06-2022, 21:01


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