Following the false and unsubstantial claims that have come to light in recent days through the press regarding the management of European Economic Area (EEA) funds by HumanRights360, we wish to restore the truth by clarifying the following in a clear and explicit way:
- It was written that:
“The founder of the NGO had allegedly set up a criminal organization with the aim of embezzling large sums from the European Economic Area (not the EU) in such countries as Norway, a donor country for organizations working for people who migrate”
The truth is that:
- The European Economic Area, which includes Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, has concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation with Greece, which is outlined here by the Ministry of Development and Investment, while the full text is available here. This Memorandum describes in detail the programs implemented during the current funding period, which extends until April 2024.
- According to this Memorandum, two asylum and migration programs are implemented in Greece. The first, referred to in the Memorandum as G Programme, Asylum and Migration, Capacity Building of the National Asylum and Migration Management Systems, is implemented by the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the Ministry of Asylum and Migration and amounts to a total of 16.5 million euros (EEA funding) while additional €2,911,765 are available from national resources. The second program for Asylum and Migration, also amounting to 16.5 million euros, is implemented through a management scheme (grant manager), as provided by the Memorandum. This management structure, in which HumanRights360 participates, resulted from a public and open tender process, the terms of which are published here
- In this context, and in accordance with what is provided for in the program agreement between the Grant Manager and the EEA Financial Mechanism Office Grant Manager and the EEA Financial Mechanism Office in Brussels (see here), the founder of HumanRights360 acts as the director of the two programs implemented through the specific scheme in Greece , while he is surrounded by a team of 12 people that also includes executives of the scheme’s main partner, that is, of an audit and consulting services company. The latter, in fact, are primarily charged with the financial control of the two programs, precisely because of their expertise and the high level of services they offer.
- It should also be noted that with a similar management scheme, i.e., through the role of the Grant Manager, two more EEA programs operate in Greece: The Active Citizens Fund program managed by the Bodosaki Foundation and SolidarityNow (a total of 13.5 million euros), and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship program, for a total of 21.5 million euros, managed by Innovation Norway. Corresponding schemes, which arise through competitive procedures, are applied not only in Greece but also in the other countries that receive grants from the EEA.
- It was written that:
“A network with several tentacles of Non-Governmental Organizations dealing with migrants has been established, linked together with the aim of extorting funds from countries that support their action”
The truth is that:
- Five (5) civil society organizations have been selected following an open call to offer their services in the field of supporting vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in Greece. The funding received by the five organizations amounts to a total of 7,632,000 euros, and the selection process and the projects they implement are described in detail here
- It was written that:
“Swifts steps were taken to block an immense funding of €24 million allegedly already approved to be paid to the NGO”
The truth is that:
- The amount of 24 million euros results from the total available funding of both programs jointly managed by Human Rights 360 and its partner and concerns two distinct programs, as they result from the Memorandum of Cooperation of the donor countries of the EEA with Greece (see point 1) as well as from the program agreement.
- In particular, the entire available grant of 24 million euros is channeled, of course, not to HumanRights360, but to a total of 11 projects, as follows:
(a) within the framework of the Local Development and Poverty Reduction program, in three predetermined projects, as follows:
- “Inclusion of refugee children in Greek schools” by the Wergeland European Center. The total amount of the grant for the project is 1.5 million euros and has a duration of three years (2019-2022). The project is described here
- “Increased social integration opportunities for vulnerable people” by the Solidarity Center of Athens. The total amount of the grant for the project is 2 million euros with a duration of two years (2020-2021). The project is described here
- “Skills on Demand: Increased opportunities for the integration of the unemployed into the labor market” by the Athens Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA) of the Municipality of Athens. The two-year project receives a total grant amount of €2.5 million and is presented here
(b) within the framework of the “Asylum and Migration” program (Addressing urgent needs for the reception and registration of asylum seekers and for housing vulnerable groups) in Greece, in addition to the five NGOs whose contribution is described in detail in point 2, the following organizations also take part and share the total available funding:
- The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) / NORCAP through the predetermined project: “Capacity development for dignified reception and protection of the rights of migrants and asylum seekers in Greece”. The total amount of the grant for the project is 3.5 million euros and has a duration of 2 years (2020-2022).
- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) through the predetermined project “Quality Assurance of Asylum Procedures and Free Legal Aid to Vulnerable Asylum Seekers”, which received a total grant of €3 for one year and was 100% absorbed. The program has expired.
- The International Organization for Migration (IOM), through the predetermined project “Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Vulnerable Groups”, which will receive a total grant amount for the project of €1 million, for 7 months.
It goes without saying that the above amounts have not been blocked, as is wrongly stated in numerous press reports and unwisely reproduced by the media. On the contrary, both programs are running normally. In fact, they present an extremely high rate of absorption of available funds.
- It was written that:
“The Authority has already freezed the account of the NGO HumanRights360”
The truth is that:
The account of HumanRights360 is running normally. In fact, up to this day, HumanRights360 has not received any official information about the alleged findings, nor has it been included or notified in any communication about the relevant text by any official Greek authority, Ministry or other competent body in Greece, although HumanRights360 has been systematically seeking for the last few days to be informed respectively.
- It was written that:
“However, the upward trend of revenues [of HumanRights360] seems to continue in 2022, despite the worrying environment due to the outbreak of two wars (as stated in its financial statements for 2021), as the total revenue budget reaches 2,079,442.02 with the amount of 1,464,949.86 to be considered already confirmed”.
The truth is that:
The upward -indeed- movement of HumanRights360’s income is entirely proportional to the effectiveness of its actions, the expanded base of donors who support the work of the organization and the principles of transparency and accountability that it applies unfailingly to all the programs it implements. Especially for the EEA funds, the following reports are submitted by the grant manager to the Office of the Financial Mechanism of the EEA in Brussels, in relation to the financial data of the two programs, based on which the payments are checked and, ultimately, made:
- An annual project progress report
- Two financial reports per year
- A final report for each project and a final report for the program, based on which payments will be made as provided under the contract for the program.
- Additionally, several other control mechanisms implemented by HumanRights360, as a grant manager. Specifically:
→ The tools that have been established in order to carry out on a quarterly basis financial and program audits of all the organizations and agencies that have been selected to implement projects (11 in total) compatible in terms of thematic and targeting of the two Programs, “Local development and reduction of poverty” (3 implementation projects) and “Asylum and Migration” (8 implementation projects).
→ The internal control mechanism in order to detect irregularities during the implementation of the Programs. For this reason, financial audits are carried out at regular intervals by external Certified Auditors, both in the Grant Manager’s scheme itself, and in the Organizations that have been financed by EEA Grants.
→ The financial and programmatic reports for the two Programs submitted annually on February 15 to the Office of the Financial Mechanism of the EEA Grants, in Brussels
→ The interim financial reports submitted to the Office of the Financial Mechanism of the EEA Grants, in Brussels
On a quarterly basis, we receive the interim financial and programmatic reports of the organizations, for them to be checked/evaluated in the first phase (programmatic & financial) and to evaluate in the second phase the eligibility of the expenses; Then based on the evaluation to act as Grant Managers in interim payment. Throughout the implementation of the programs, the financial and programming department of the Grant Manager carries out on-site audits in order to check and evaluate the projects in real time.
Upon the contractual completion of each project, and once the final report has been submitted by each of the funded organizations, a final financial audit is carried out by – external and independent of the Grant Manager – Certified Auditors to verify sound management by the funded organizations, but also to verify the absence of double funding for the implemented project. After the final report submitted by the Statutory Auditors to the Grant Administrator, and depending on the findings, we proceed with the final payment and settlement of the project.
The above information is available to anyone interested and is provided to restore the truth and reputation of our organization, which has been targeted. We promise to get back to you when and if we receive knowledge of the report allegedly drawn up by the Authority to Combat Black Money, providing all the necessary information and clarifications to restore the truth and fully account for our work.
From the management of HumanRights360